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Distributor Motto Curah Surabaya - Jawa Timur
Specialist For Household Cleaning Product
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Produk Sabun Curah dari Motto Curah
1 Body Foam / Sabun Mandi Cair (2 Aroma : Misty Blue, Green Tea Aromatherapy) Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
2 Deterjen Bubuk Matic Kemasan 1 Karung 20 Kg
3 Deterjen Bubuk Regular Kemasan 1 Karung 20 Kg
4 Deterjen Cair Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
5 Karbol Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
6 Pelicin Pakaian Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
7 Pembersih Kaca / Meja Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
8 Pembersih Kerak / Bubuk Gosok Kemasan 1 Karton 20 Kg
9 Pembersih Keramik Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
10 Pembersih Lantai (5 Aroma : Blue Breeze, Orange, Yellow Lemon, Red Lavender, Green Apple) Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
11 Pemutih Pakaian Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
12 Penghilang Noda Pakaian Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
13 Perfume Laundry (2 Aroma : Tender Comfort, Morning Fresh) Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
14 Sabun Cuci Piring Regular Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
15 Sabun Cuci Piring Ekstra Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
16 Sabun Cuci Piring Ekonomis Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
17 Sabun Cuci Tangan (3 Aroma : Strawberry, Lemon, Mint) Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
18 Shampoo 2 in 1 with Conditioner Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
19 Shampoo 3 in 1 with Anti Ketombe Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
20 Shampoo Non Conditioner / Shampoo Salon Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
21 Softener (2 Aroma : Blue, Pink) Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
22 Softener Ultra (3 Aroma : Orange, Yellow, Green) Kemasan Jirigen 20 Liter
23 Sabun Cream / Colek Kemasan 1 Karton 12 Kg
24 Produk Sabun cuci piring, softener, deterjen cair, pembersih lantai berkemas Kemasan seperti es mambo kurang lebih 80ml
Templates By - Content Copyright® Motto Curah Surabaya - Jawa Timur 2010. Edited by fr4n6.
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